Any Foreigner Staying in Thailand with a Long Term Visa and Staying over 90 days in the Kingdom will need to do the Thailand 90 Days Report at one of the Available Immigration offices.
Only 1 Visa Type Allows you to do the Required Report once a Year instead of once every 90 Days, This Visa Type is LTR: Long Term Resident Visa.
How can the foreigner do the 90 Days Report?
There are Four different ways that the foreigner can do the Required 90 days report when in Thailand. These 4 ways are as follows:
- The Foreigner Notifies the Immigration Office in Person
- The Foreigner Authorizes another Person to Make the Notification on his behalf at the Immigration office
- The Foreigner Sends the Notification to the Immigration through Mail.
- The Foreigner can Send the Notification Online on the Internet.
- The First Extension of Stay can be considered as equivalent to Submitting the 90 Days Report Notification
- You are Allowed to Make the Notification Within 15 Days before the 90 Days, or within 7 Days after the 90 Days.
Requirements for The 90 Days Report
- Your Valid Passport
- Photocopy of the Necessary Pages in your Passport: Visa Page, Main Passport Page, Latest Entry Stamp, and the Last Visa Extension.
- Filled and Completed TM47 Form (Which is the Thailand 90 Days Report Form)
- A Copy of the TM 6 Form (Departure form received upon arrival at the Airport from the Immigration)
- A copy of the Slip of your previous 90 Days (If you have one)
- In case of Sending the Notification through Mail, You Will need to have a 10 Baht stamp affixed Envelope with Your return Address.
- The registered Mail Must be sent to the Immigration office at Least 15 days before the due date.
- In case you waited for the reply mail from the Immigration for over a Month, You will need to contact the Immigration office and having the registered Mail Receipt.